The Economics of Ideas - Open-source innovation
How does open-source innovation economics work and how would you extrapolate the trend if society transitions to a robot/AI automated knowledge based economy?
In the software world, we hear concepts like "paying it forward", which sound like like prizes and subsidies but, we also hear about giving back financially or through knowledge contribution on GitHub or Wikipedia.
When the inventor shares freely and is sometimes able to gain back from others' work on top of their own work. Maybe it's like a pyramid scheme of ideas, but ideas don't seem to run out like regular pyramids.

Jessica123l commented
Winning a grant for your mission involves mastering the art of crafting a compelling proposal and aligning it with funder priorities. Grants provide crucial financial support for advancing personal projects, non-profit initiatives, or business goals. To increase your chances of success, start by identifying grant opportunities that align with your mission. Research potential funders and understand their priorities and requirements. Develop a detailed proposal that clearly outlines your mission, how the grant will support it, and the expected outcomes. Highlight your commitment, qualifications, and the potential impact of the grant. visit
Fred Newman commented
На фоне быстрого технологического прогресса Lionwood остается лидером в области цифровых инноваций. Отдавая приоритет постоянному обучению и гибкости, компания готова эффективно преодолевать будущие препятствия. Независимо от того, углубляетесь ли вы в искусственный интеллект, блокчейн или дополненную реальность, Lionwood готова использовать новые технологии для достижения положительных результатов.