Stages of Writing and Correct Formatting of the Essay
The work on writing an essay can be divided into four stages:
Taking apart the essence of the issue, creating your own opinion. As stated above, before writing, you need to form your own point of view. It is possible to do this only by collecting various factors, theories and ideas.
Is paper owl legit? Search for opinions in literary sources. There are most likely many research papers, dissertations, and essays already written on the topic you are parsing. It's a good idea to start by familiarizing yourself with a few of them.
Study additional sources. This can be anything: video lectures, podcasts, opinions of your teachers.
General conclusion in the final part of the paper. What you write at the very end of your paper is a summary of all your research and reasoning. Having studied a large number of sources, you have gained the competence to express your own opinion and now you can draw a certain conclusion from all your reasoning.
Proper layout of the paper
According to the rules, there are certain requirements for the correct design of the essay:
The format of the sheets. It should be a printed text, executed on a computer. It should be printed on a sheet of A4 only on one side.
Text parameters. If the school does not make its own requirements for the design of the text, the following standards should be observed: font Times New Roman, size 14, color of letters black, spacing between letters - 1.5. The text is aligned to the width. At the same level should be a red line with an indent of 1.25.
Margins and numbering. On each page must be observed through numbering in Arabic numerals. Counting starts from the title page, but the page number should not be on it. Margins: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, bottom and top - 20 mm.
It is obligatory to have a title page and a list of references. Examples of their design are presented below.
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