What is the effect of not taxing military retirees on their military pay and / or property taxes on their home? Ref Fort Bragg NC
Would you please discuss the positives and negatives of not taxing military retirees on their military pay and/ or home property tax (at the state level) I am the Commander for Fort Bragg, NC- the largest US military base. We transition 2000 retirees from this post annually but only 100 remain in the local area. I believe that if the state would eliminate state taxes referenced above a much greater percentage of retirees would remain here. In fact we would probably transition around 4000 annually as you typically get to select your final posting. The state is concerned with a drop in tax revenues but I believe they would capture this revenue in different elements of the tax code (e.g. sales) and it would spur economic growth in the areas surrounding the post (retirees receive additional benefits on post). I also believe that this will create a generational effect as these retirees (38 year olds to 48 year olds) will also raise their families here. Please help me make my case as we have an appointment with the Governor in early September.